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Expertise inTelecoms, FinTech, Billing, and IoT

Speak to us about bespoke solutions, or see our common industry use cases, below


Upgrading your data infrastructure isn't optional, it's vital. Migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL, boosting database performance, and shifting to the cloud – you need real skill and tech to get these done.

Quantum Soft delivers no-nonsense database solutions. We ramp up performance, slash downtime, and ensure your data's always on tap without draining your resources.

We're all about smart innovation, lean efficiency, and shaving costs to keep you ahead in this fast-paced tech race. Got data headaches? Talk to us. We'll change how you handle your data, and you won't look back.


Telecom software development is tough – it's high-stakes, regulated, and full of old tech. Your products have to be fast and ultra-reliable, and the constant change doesn't make it any easier for your dev teams.

Our teams have been in Telecoms for ages. We build custom software for everything from mobile, fixed wireless, to IoT and M2M.

We'll guide you to the smartest tech and architecture, arm you with top open-source tools, and keep you ahead in this relentless industry.

Big Data

Tired of the old-school, costly approach to big data storage and analytics? 

At Quantum Soft, we're flipping big data processing on its head, empowering businesses big and small to harness their data, boosting customer acquisition and sales through the roof.

We get it – the right data strategy can be a game-changer for your business. Our pros wield tech like Apache, Hadoop, and Pig to tailor data platforms and software that crank up your business efficiency.

Expect more than just numbers – we deliver predictive analytics and sharp insights into customer behavior. Our cutting-edge big data tools are your ticket to smarter spending, smoother operations, and faster business growth.

Billing and Rating

Building billing and rating software is a real headache. You've got to nail complex rules and algorithms for countless services, products, and customers, and mesh it all with systems like CRM, network management, and billing.

Your software can't just be good, it needs to be rock-solid and scalable, crunching data accurately and instantly.

At Quantum Soft, we're all about folding in top-notch data management practices into your software, ensuring pinpoint accuracy and iron-clad control. We don't just stop there; we embed data privacy, security, and all the compliance stuff you need. And with our sharp Big Data strategies, your data stays precise, accessible, and real-time, all while keeping your costs down and profits up.

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