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Turnkey Solutions, Tailored to Your Needs

Do more with data with our powerful, out-of-the-box tools

Call Data Records (CDR) have been called the lifeblood of Telecoms, providing data about exactly how users interact with their phone system and products, including calls, web, media, and more. With hundreds of fields in each record, the sheer volume of data for each operator is immense.

Our smart data solution offers large scale data collection of CDRs in the Telecommunications industry, aggregating all the records from all operators, providing in-depth data analysis and reporting for billing, accounting, and regulatory compliance.

Analysis and Reporting 

to Meet Regulatory Needs

Real-time, Relevant Data Through a

Unified API

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the ability to harness the power of diverse data sources is critical for organizations aiming to make informed decisions and streamline operations. One innovative solution gaining prominence is the creation of unified Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Unlike traditional siloed data systems, a unified API seamlessly integrates data from various sources, fostering collaboration, and providing a holistic view of information.

Advanced Data Manipulation for

Accurate, Real-time Billing

Big data's potential is huge, but it's a drag if you can't handle it efficiently. Businesses are hitting walls with slow processes and skyrocketing costs. Imagine a retail giant with a popular app where customers constantly check loyalty points or card balances – you can't afford sluggish responses.

Our fix? Keep vital data in RAM, cutting the constant back-and-forth with the database. It's a game changer – faster, more efficient, and it doesn't bleed your budget dry or keep your customers waiting.

Supporting Your Move From Oracle to PostgreSQL

Both Oracle and PostgreSQL have their benefits, but Oracle is an expensive choice, and often leaves companies paying for bells and whistles that they will never use. Many companies are making the switch to PostgreSQL, a free, scalable, open-source relational database that has been proven to be reliable and accurate, and offer unparalleled data integrity.

At QuantumSoft, we can help you make the move from Oracle, seamlessly transitioning to PostgreSQL to meet your needs, while heavily reducing your IT infrastructure costs. We’ll support you in setting up business rules, understanding the procedural languages on the server, and benefiting from modern database features such as MVCC, point-in-time recovery, asynchronous replication, hot backups, and more.

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